2009 has been a great year for our company. The biggest event of the year was starting the cooperation with Kettler last July, for the exclusive distribution of the fitness items and toys on the Italian market.We are proud to say that beeing chosen by Kettler to represent them was a great honour for us and a big challenge we face every day with enthousiam and with the success of the increasing sales and a lot of work!In 2009 we expanded our range of products introducing some special novelties.The Special Champion was the first. This table, constructed for meeting the needs of wheelchair bound players, has also been included among the ITSF authorized football tables for the official competitions.The OpenAir, the latest freeplay football table to be created, is an outdoor model which we expect will have a key role in the next summer season.The Foldy Evolution came to enrich and complete the elegant silver and black line we launched last year and that customers liked so much.The Progress indoor and the Progress Outdoor brought a touch of novelty to our Innovation in Table Tennis line. We also obtained great results from the sales of the home air hockey tables, particularly the top models Zodiac and Stratos and of the outdoor pool table Florida.